
Find your dream home!

Helping you on your real estate journey.

Helping you buy or sell a property is my pleasure!

My family and I have relocated several times and lived on both coasts. If you live in Central Washington or are looking to relocate, I would be honored to help you and your family navigate your journey. Contact me anytime at: (760) 662-4353

Buy or sell today!

Use my site to search nearby properties and schedule appointments. Contact me for tailored listing options.

Specialized Team

Our team of agents is ready to help you navigate your home buying or selling experience.

Leave no stoned unturned!

Let's work together to meet your real estate goals!

Are you an agent? Join me at Real! Real is a technology-powered brokerage that offers agents flexibility, mobile technology, a high split, equity, and more. If you'd like to learn more, visit here