Mobile: +1 (925) 437-8018
Buyers, Residential, Receiving Referrals, Investors, Providing Referrals, Sellers
94513, 94561, 94565, 94523, 94514, 94521
Ray and Liz
Lisa is an exceptional agent. From start to the finish she demonstrated unparalleled kindness, patience, and assertiveness. No question too small as she always answered our calls with such promptness that we felt as though we were her top priority.
John and Lilia
Leisa is very knowledgeable of this niche area. She provided me with an accurate analysis of my property and help negotiate a fair and acceptable offer. Lisa was always there to converse with any questions or concerns I had with the sale of my home.
Zach and Jess
Absolutely loved working with Lisa. She truly helped my husband and I out when looking for our first home. She gave us a lot of insight on the process and was dedicated into finding what we wanted. Would definitely recommend having her as an agent.
Wes and Janice
There is only one word to know about Lisa as a realtor and that is great! If you want someone to be honest with you and gently guide you through the process of selling or buying, she is the one for you. She will be with you every step of the way.
Licensed States
State: CA,
License: 01873142
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