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Serving Summit and Wasatch Counties, Utah

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Barbara L

I have worked with Cameron as both a real estate broker who has done business with him for my clients and as a client when he represented me in a very challenging real estate transaction. I found him to be calm, level-headed, extremely competent and excellent at negotiation. Unlike some agents, Cameron is highly responsive and returns phone calls and emails promptly, and he is excellent at follow-up and follow through. Not only would I recommend Cameron to others, but I would gladly work with him again any time

Jason C

Cameron helped me both find my house and sell my house. I had a ton of questions and he always answered them in the most honest way. His experience is above of the rest. He is a perfect Realtor and I would highly recommend him to anyone.

Sid and Kathy T

When my husband and I began our search for a second home in the Midway area, we were lucky to find Cameron on our very first trip. We were open to an existing home, but would also entertain buying a lot and building a new home. He provided us with all the information we needed to make an informed decision. Cameron's knowledge and experience, plus his personality and demeanor, made us comfortable with the whole transaction. He lined up all the services needed to complete the purchase, and has continued to be available to us as we move forward with our building process. We would not hesitate to recommend Cameron to our friends and family. He's a genuinely great guy.

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